Data Source: RSS Feeds

This option allows you to import records using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds.

Under the RSS Feed import tab, there are two fields. The first fields “Dataset Name” is optional while the second field, “Feed URL,” is required to collect data. Under the “Dataset Name” field, users may choose to enter a name to identify their dataset (e.g., “Dalhousie News”) enabling them to locate the data set at a later time under the “My Datasets” tab.

The  “URL Feed,” must be completed, as the information entered in this field is used to collect the RSS data. Simply find the RSS feed associated with the site you are interested in, copy the URL, and paste it into the Netlytic field where prompted (see Figure 1). The dataset will be automatically added to the rest of your account datasets.

Netlytic-RSS Import
Figure 1: RSS feed import page.

Then, once users have entered their URL, they can choose the duration of data collection. Netlytic allows users to collect RSS Feed data for 1, 3 or 6 months. Finally, after users have completed inputting the required information for their data collection, they simply click the “Import” button (see Figure 2).


Figure 2: RSS import page.

If Netlytic was able to successfully gather data for the specified search URL, the screen will show the number of records (see Figure 3).

RSS Feed_Import SuccessFigure 3: RSS successful import.

If, however, there were no data available for the specified URL, you will see the message: “Error: Something went wrong! System message: Your data source is empty!” (see Figure 4). If this message appears, return to the import screen and confirm that you entered the correct URL.

RSS Feed_Import FailureFigure 4: RSS failed import.