Change Log

October 2022

  • Update to the following module: “Step 3: Text Analysis -> KEYWORD EXTRACTOR”:
    • The Words cloud will now be calculated based on all posts in a given dataset (instead of a 10% sample which was previously used to speed up the calculation). You can click the “Reset” button to recalculate the Words cloud.
    • The Words cloud will now preserve character cases in the extracted keywords and will also extract emojis.

May 2020

  • May 19, 2020: Due to the unscheduled security reset of the Twitter API keys, the Twitter collector was down between ~6:30am – ~1:00pm (ET).
    • If you had any Twitter live collectors and there were more than 1000 tweets generated based on your search query during this period, there is a chance that some tweets would be missed.

November 2019

  • Nov 3, 2019: Due to an unscheduled server update issue, the site was down between 2:30pm-5:30pm (ET).

September 2019

  •   As of Sept 5, 2019, Facebook disabled access to its API.

December 2018

  • Dec 11, 2018: Instagram API is depreciated

November 2018

  • Nov 30, 2018: Due to a server update issue, the site was down between 6:51am-8:04am (ET).
  • Nov 28, 2018: Due to a server update issue, the site was down between 10:07pm-10:21pm (ET).

August 2018

  • Aug 2, 2018: Due to a technical issue, the site was down between 3:35pm-4:50pm (ET).

June 2018

  • June 27, 2018: For new hashtag-based Instagram datasets with hourly data collection, Netlytic will now try to retrieve as many posts as specified during the creation of the dataset on an hourly basis (between 100 and 2500 new posts), assuming that there are that many new posts with a specified hashtag. The previous setting defaulted to 100 new posts. For location-based searches, 100 posts per hour remains the upper limit set by Instagram API.
  • June 9, 2018: Due to a server upgrade, the site was down between around 9pm(ET) on June 9 and  noon(ET) on June 10.
  • June 1, 2018: Facebook has changed how Facebook API’s rate limit (# of allowed calls) is calculated. As a result, you are now required to link your Facebook account to Netlytic if you wish to collect public posts from public Facebook pages. (All previously active Facebook collectors have stopped.)

April 2018

  • Apr 25, 2018: Due to a technical issue, the site was down between around 8:40pm-11:40pm(ET).
  • Apr 4, 2018: Facebook has disabled some features of the Instagram API. As a result, Netlytic can now only collect public Instagram posts, but no corresponding comments will be retrieved. The current Instagram API will be depreciated on December 11, 2018.
  • Apr 4, 2018: Facebook API no longer provides commentators’ names for comments posted on public Facebook pages/groups, rendering the network discovery ineffective since Netlytic is unable to determine who mentions or replies to whom without knowing the poster’s unique identifier/name.

December 2017

  • Dec 18, 2017: Due to a technical issue related to moving the platform to a new (more powerful) server, the site was down between 2am-10am(ET).
    • If you had any Twitter live collectors and there were more than 1000 tweets generated based on your search query during this period, there is a chance that some tweets would be missed.
  • Dec 11, 2017: Netlytic now collects “extended” tweets that are longer than 140 characters (prior to this, such tweets were truncated to 140 chars);
  • Dec 4, 2017: We added the ability to export datasets in the Excel format (this is especially useful for datasets with emoji and non-English characters);

November 2017

  • When exporting a Twitter-based network as a Gephi file, we are now adding some user-specific attributes such as # of followers and # of friends.

September 2017

  • Sep 1, 2017: Due to some recent upgrades, Netlytic’s live collector was down between around 9am (ET) and 1pm (ET). For Twitter, if there were more than 1000 tweets generated based on your search query during this period, there is a chance that some tweets from this morning would be missed in your dataset(s).

May 2017

  • May 4, 2017: Due to a technical issue on the Twitter API side, Netlytic’s live collector couldn’t pull new messages between around 9am (ET) and 5pm (ET). If there were more than 1000 tweets generated based on your search query during this period, there is a chance that some tweets would be missed in your dataset(s).

March 2017

  • Due to an unscheduled database server maintenance, the live collections couldn’t collect new messages between Mar-30 10:51pm(ET) and Mar-31 4:00am(ET). Sorry for any inconvenience. 

October 2016

  • Network Visualization: added support of datasets where usernames may contain non-English/special characters
  • Keyword Extractor/World Clout: Added stop words removal in German

September 2016

  • Facebook data collection: added collection of 2-level replies (reply to reply) for Tier 3 accounts
  • Added support for Import / Export of Text Categories

August 2016

  • Added “filter” field to new Instagram data. Contains the name of the photo filter used to modify the image (“Normal” if no filter was used).
  • Added “lang” field to new Twitter data. Contains the auto-detected language of the tweet (e.g. “en”, “fr”, etc).

July 2016

  • We were alerted to an issue with some Facebook datasets’ timestamps. In rare cases the timestamp for some Facebook posts may have been offset by ⁺∕- 10 hours when imported to Netlytic. This should now be fixed. This only applies to users who exported affected Facebook datasets from Netlytic for external analysis. Netlytic’s web tools, including network visualization, are not impacted by this issue.

June 2016

  • On June 1, 2016, Instagram disabled 3rd party applications that were not approved by them. Netlytic was approved by Instagram, however, the API key we used to collect data did not reflect this approval. Therefore Netlytic could not collect data from Instagram from June 1 to 6, 2016. To fix this issue, you will need to re-authorize your Instagram account under the My Account tab. Sorry for the inconvenience.

April 2016

  • Due to an unscheduled server update, the live collections couldn’t collect new messages between Apr-12 3pm(ET) and Apr-13 10pm(ET). 

March 2016

  • On March 24 we were alerted to an issue with collecting data from popular Facebook pages. Some popular pages that receive a high number of user comments on their posts were not collected, as the Facebook API would return an error. We now automatically detect these cases, and reduce the data requested from the API to allow these pages to be collected.