Account Types

Netlytic will remain accessible until next year (May 31, 2024). Starting on June 1, 2024, all Netlytic accounts will be removed and users will be directed to our new and enhanced research platform – We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing how Communalytic can help you achieve your research goals. Until then, you are welcome to upgrade your Tier 1 account to Tier 2 (free).

Below is more information about each Tier.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3
Max # of Datasets 3 5 100
Max # of Records/Dataset 2500 10000 100000
Great for exploring what Netlytic can do! Great for smaller projects and class assignments! Great for larger research projects! With the total storage capacity of up to 10M(!) records (100 datasets x 100k records).
This is a default tier Request a free upgrade by logging in to your account and clicking on the "My Account" page This tier is no longer available. Please try the Pro version of our new and improved platform for social media researchers at Communalytic