
Still collecting OR No data

When you see this message (“Still Collecting or No Data”), here is what it might mean and what you need to do next: If you have not used Netlytic for a long period of time...

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What’s New With @Netlytic?

Netlytic gets a refresh for 2021. We have added lots of new researcher-friendly features including: an easier to use query-creation interface for Twitter data collection,a new log file to help users (Tier 3) to monitor...

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System Overview

Document Overview & Resources This document provides a summary of Netlytic's purpose and features. Each section provides related resources and links. Additional Documentation: Netlytic Tutorials (Videos and Instructional Guides) 1. System Overview 2. Text Analysis...

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Text Analysis

Document Overview & Resources This document provides a general overview of Netlytic's text (keyword) analysis features.  Additional Documentation: Netlytic Tutorials (Videos and Instructional Guides) 1. System Overview 2. Text Analysis 3. Dictionary-based (Manual Categories) Analysis...

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Category (Topical) Analysis

Document Overview & Resources This document provides a general overview of Netlytic’s text (categories) analysis features. Please use this link to download the PDF version Netlytic Categories. Additional Documentation: Netlytic Tutorials (Videos and Instructional Guides) 1....

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Network Analysis / Visualization

Document Overview & Resources This document provides a general overview of Netlytic’s network analysis features.  Additional Documentation: Netlytic Tutorials (Videos and Instructional Guides) 1. System Overview 2. Text Analysis 3. Category (Topical) Analysis 4. Network /...

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Change Log

October 2022 Update to the following module: "Step 3: Text Analysis -> KEYWORD EXTRACTOR": The Words cloud will now be calculated based on all posts in a given dataset (instead of a 10% sample which...

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