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Top of Mind & Tip of Tongue: Things People Retweet in a Pandemic

As the outbreak of COVID-19 spreads globally, more people than ever are now active online and turning to digital tools to stay socially connected. Social platforms such as Facebook are reporting a record increase in usage and Twitter is proving

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Analyzing Social Media and Learning Through Content and Social Network Analysis

The following paper will walk you through both content and social network analysis features in Netlytic. It uses a sample of Twitter messages from a MOOC class as a case study to analyze collaborative learning processes. Gruzd, A., Paulin, D.,

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Using Data to Improve BHL Social Media

How can data analysis help us improve our social media activities? This was the fundamental question BHL’s Outreach and Communication Manager, Grace Costantino, sought to address during her two-day meeting with Ryerson University’s Social Media Lab, Sept. 29-30, 2014. As

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Network visualization with @Netlytic: The power & reach of Twitter during live events

The focus of this post is to demonstrate how to use and interpret the network visualization feature in Netlytic using tweets about Oscars as a case study. As Hollywood’s stars gathered to celebrate last year’s finest films in the annual Oscars ceremony,

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Examining the Twittersphere on Sochi 2014: Using Netlytic to analyze popular Sochi topics

The Winter Olympics in Sochi has captured the attention of the world long before it officially commenced. Mainstream media has been covering the event with a mixture of negative and positive reporting. With the increasingly prominent role of social media

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Exploring Environmental Debates on Twitter

Abstract Environmental issues are increasingly discussed through social media applications. Consequently, researchers are beginning to question whether social media could represent a green virtual sphere: a virtual public space to discuss environmental issues not governed by a single authority in

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Studying #1b1t Online Book Club

Abstract The rise of social networking sites and initiatives such as the One Book, One Twitter book club (#1b1t) make it much easier for readers to share reading experiences on a scale and in a fashion that would not previously

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Enabling a Health Care Community through Social Media

Abstract  Background: Social network analysis provides a perspective and method for inquiring into the structures that comprise online groups and communities. Traces from interaction via social media provide the opportunity for understanding how a community is formed and maintained online. Objective: The

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Navigating an Imagined Middle-Earth

Abstract The proliferation of social media brings new opportunities to discover the ways in which we receive, process, and disseminate information — even information that seems confined to our imaginations. Mental imagery — those images we create in our imaginations

Posted in Case Studies