Blog Archives

Netlytic Gets a Refresh for 2021

Netlytic has been updated for 2021, introducing a host of new researcher-friendly features including: an easier to use query-creation interface for Twitter data collection, a new log file to help users (Tier 3) to monitor data collection progress and adjust data collection criteria

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Analyzing toxicity in social media posts with a custom dictionary

To examine how many posts in your dataset contain toxic words or phrases, you can use a pre-compiled dictionary of toxic terms and swear words, developed as part of the following publication: K. Hazel Kwon, & Anatoliy Gruzd. (2017). Is

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How to Update your YouTube Dataset

Step 1: Click on the ‘My Datasets’ in the main menu. Step 2: Click on the ‘Edit’ button next to your dataset as shown below: Step 3: Click on the ‘Update’ button:

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Top of Mind & Tip of Tongue: Things People Retweet in a Pandemic

As the outbreak of COVID-19 spreads globally, more people than ever are now active online and turning to digital tools to stay socially connected. Social platforms such as Facebook are reporting a record increase in usage and Twitter is proving

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How to use SentiStrength to analyze tweets collected with Netlytic

Note: the instructions are tested on a PC computer with Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 365. In Netlytic (under My Datasets), download one of your Twitter datasets from Netlytic to your computer as a CSV file: Open the downloaded dataset

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Facebook is Discontinuing API Access to their Page Public Content …

[Update: Sep 5, 2019] Despite our best effort, Facebook review team felt that Netlytic’s use of their Page Public Content API is no longer a valid use case. As a Netlytic user, you will still have access to your existing

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How to use Twitter’s Advanced Search Operators

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Checking for deleted tweets

The following steps will help you to check how many tweets in your dataset have been deleted from Twitter, which could have been done by a user or the platform. Step 1: Install a free text editor that supports regular

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How to authenticate with Facebook

To use Facebook API, please go to the “My Account” section of the website and click “Continue with Facebook” as shown below:

Posted in Help

Tutorial: Exploring #ExploreCanada via Social Network Analysis (SNA)

Dataset Type: a CSV file containing messages from Twitter Step 1: Download the practice dataset to your computer: ExploreCanada.csv  Step 2: Login to  with your Google or Yahoo ID (or create a “standard” account) Step 3: Import the sample dataset from Step 1

Posted in Tutorial